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TartaLife is mentioned in the last two FAO publications
Our project was mentioned in two recent FAO publications on the overview of bycatch of protected species and possible solutions to mitigate it.
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Tartalife is in the Friends of The Sea annual report
The TurtleSafe logo, developed by Friends of the Sea in collaboration with Tartalife, is mentioned in the annual report of the now world famous organization.
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TartaLife wins the Life Award 2021!!
Il progetto si è confermato come il più amato dai cittadini con ben 2.599 voti a favore in una rosa di 15 finalisti. Premiati sei anni di lavoro di ricerca per ridurre la mortalità delle tartarughe marine durante le attività di pesca professionale.
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Watch the interview of the CNR-IRBIM of Ancona on TartaLife!
Massimo Virgili of the CNR-IRBIM of Ancona told us about the TartaLife project. Check out the video!